Thursday, May 19, 2011

...On the Last Week of School

It's one of the worst weeks of the school year. Little kids don't understand. They get parties and food and movies. High school kids get finals. Big fat finals that have the possibility of changing your grades. It's the worst. If you love your high school kids, you will leave them alone during this time, 'cause we're too busy cramming our brains to do anything else... wish me luck!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Deal With It... Just Don't Do It Alone

There’s something about pain that begs the question, “Will I ever be happy again?” It seems endless. Whether it’s emotional or physical. It feels like no matter what you do, it will never leave. Well I’ve got something to tell you about pain, my friends. You might be one of the lucky ones. Your pain will last for a few minutes, a few hours, maybe even a few days, but it will end. That’s mostly physical pain. For that you can stop by your doctor and get it fixed or grab an anti-biotic. But the rest of us must deal with emotional pain. This lasts forever, I’m sad to say. It will probably always be with you. It will fade, but the problem with all pain is that it leaves a scar. Sometimes they’re obvious, but the dangerous ones are the ones that you can't see. They fester and hide deep inside a person. But that’s the beauty about things like family and friends. Emotional scars, meet your own personal nightmare. Pain’s anti-biotic. LOVE…

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Okay, so I hadn't gotten my hair cut in a year (not even joking) and I had it cut. I got seven inches off and layers. I LOVE IT! I'm even more obsessed with it now than I was before! Oh, and I started another book. Writing is so hard. I get bored with it, or I don't know what to do with it next. Well, practice makes perfect :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Again? Really?

I'm I have this curse with sicknesses. I am either the first person to get them so I have no warning before the outbreak, or I'm the person who's all excited because they thought that they were skipped by the sicky but then gets smacked in the face with it. Today I was smacked in the face. And I just had a lesson and keeping yourself safe during cold and flu season. Yeah, that helped. Sorry that I sound so sarcastic and angst filled, but I am a teenager, and sometimes I just need to let it out.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So I just finished the play that I was in,  and I feel exhausted. I feel like I didn't speak to anyone outside of my cast until yesterday. But I also loved it. It was so much fun, and such a thrill to be up there. Even if I did happen to get a bruise or two :)