Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So I just finished the play that I was in,  and I feel exhausted. I feel like I didn't speak to anyone outside of my cast until yesterday. But I also loved it. It was so much fun, and such a thrill to be up there. Even if I did happen to get a bruise or two :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Who am I?

I love it that in high school, you can blend so well into the background that you work with a kid on the same show for two months and he still doesn't know your name. It's absolutley frusterating!!! I'm in Drama Club as a precaution. I DON'T want to blend in. But yet, I do. Sometimes I wonder if there's something about me that just makes me forgetable. But I don't care, I'm doing what I love to do, acting.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm a Juggler

I believe that teenagers, as a whole, do not get enough sleep. I am one of those unfortunate teens. We're expected to juggle extra clubs, sports, friends, family, homework, church, and all those other little things like eating, sleeping, and somehow staying alive. Honestly, teenagers lives suck.  I just think that teachers need to be more respectful about homework loads. I had this one teacher who gave us an assignment right before a holiday. I don't think anyone wrote it down, much less did it. Weekends and holidays are for us students to relax, and become more healthy through tons of sleep, a lot of hanging out with friends, and a little bit of exercise thrown in there. It's so tiring, trying to juggle everything.